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TNT Pop-Its

TNT Pop-Its

With the Fourth of July having just passed, we felt obliged to review at least one seasonal item, and these made the cut. Pop-Its (sometimes referred to as poppers) are fun if you are in the right mood. Great for scaring your little sister, or throw 'em near her feet and watch her dance.

They look like small onions, packed in sawdust and sold in a cardboard box. But they are so much more than that. For just $0.50 you can have fifty! When was the last time you had fun for just a penny a pop? The box gives you all the information you need: Throw on ground. They land, explode, and make a surprisingly loud and very satisfying snap.

Again, the box is clear: For outdoor use only. Actually, Pop-Its are pretty disappointing when thrown against any surface that is not very firm; concrete or asphalt seem to provide the best results. They cause no measurable damage to sidewalks, though Pop-Its may singe toe hair, so watch out.

In the end, though, there are a couple suggestions we'd make to improve Pop-Its performance. First, they're a bit light, and therefore difficult to aim and throw with any accuracy. Second, a more aerodynamic design. Again, accuracy with explosives can't be overrated. Other important notes from the package: Use under close adult supervision. Not recommended for children under 8 years of age.

  • purchase price - $0.50
  • availability - wherever fireworks are sold

Unique Reviews overall rating: 88 out of 100

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